

We start at the old Moselle bridge and drive through part of the old town. We reach the Condd ditrict, going over the new bridge, where you can enjoy a magnificent view of Cochem and the castle. The trip goes along the Moselle vineyards, parallel to the castle, and back over the old bridge to the stand.

The tour takes about 25. minutes.


Standort Carlfritz Nicolay PlatzHigh season (Easter – November): Daily tours between 10.00 – 16.30.  Departure from the old Moselle bridge (Carl-Fritz Nicolay Platz). Individual tickets are available at the departure point.

Please notice, that you have to book your group tour in advance.

Timetable 01. April – 04. November 2024:

10:15  | 11:00  | 11:45  | 12:30  | 13:30  | 14:15  | 15:00  | 15:45  |

Mosel-Wein-Express Route 2023


  1. Alte Moselbrücke/Old bridge – Mosaik “Stammbaum der Stadt Cochem”/familytree city of Cochem
  2. Enderttor/Endertgate – Alte Stadtmauer und Gefängnis/old city wall and prison
  3. Historisches Bahnhofsgebäude/historical trainstation
  4. Kapuzinerkloster Kulturzentrum/capuchin monastery culture centre
  5. Reichsburg/Castle
  6. Mäusetor/altes Stadttor/old city wall
  7. Winneburg Burgruine/castle ruin


  1. Göbels Weinlounge – Lounge und Weinverkauf/lounge and wineshop
  2. Beim Weinbauer – Weinbar und Restaurant/winebar and restaurant
  3. Das Weinlädchen – Weinverkauf und Weinprobe/wineshop and tasting
  4. Hotel Weinhof – Weinshop/wineshop

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